Number one, you’ve just had your best month so far, and you want to make sure that this wasn’t a fluke. You want to keep the momentum going and make this your new normal with the right strategy.

Number two, you’ve been stuck at the same revenue level for a while and you know you need the right strategy to break through this glass ceiling that seems to be in your way so you can grow.

Number three, you’ve just experienced a bad month in your business and you are determined to get back on track and make your business soar with the right strategy.




In my first year of online business I was stuck. I was doing everything that I thought I should be doing but honestly I was just doing spaghetti marketing and hoping that something would stick. I just couldn’t break through to five figure months. That’s when I decided I needed to join a program to get the right online business strategy.


With my first launch I was able to break through my revenue ceiling and suddenly my business went from making a few thousand dollars a month to making $25K in a month. I got worried that it was just a fluke, how could I possibly keep this revenue level?  I was on a high and didn’t think I needed any support or change to my strategy to keep on growing or even just maintaining this revenue. That was a mistake because…

Sure enough, next month I self sabotaged my success by not doing any marketing and my revenue dropped down to $1700 for the month. I was shocked when I realized what had just happened and I was determined to make my business successful again. This time I wasn’t going to try to do it on my own and I got support and the right strategy I needed to get my business back on the right track.

Within a month I was back with five figure months and from there I was able to grow my revenue and hit my first $40K month within 12 months. Since my first year in online business, where I went from being stuck to a high revenue month and then to a low revenue month, I always make sure I have the right strategy and support.


Instead of staying stuck you want to break through your revenue plateau

Instead of sabotaging your success you want to keep on growing

Instead of a revenue dip you want to have consistent months

That’s possible with the right strategy.


  • You have a business strategy that works for your personality and your business goals which means you can create a business and life you love.
  • You consistently get new leads and make sales every day which gives you more time for your family and friends and hobbies you might want to pick up again.
  • You hit your financial goals whether it is $10K/month or $40K/month so you that can go on that dream vacation or buy a new car or even a new home.
  • You step into the next level of your entrepreneurship and you finally feel like a true entrepreneur and have this new sense of “anything is possible” attitude.



Momentum is an implementation program and we want you to achieve certain milestones during your time in the program.

There are basic milestones we want you to achieve in the first 90 days and then there are 12-month milestones we want you to achieve within a year.

Every business is different and you are different, therefore these milestones below are just an example of what you can achieve in 90 vs 365 days.

You decide your milestones during the program and we keep you accountable so that you can achieve the goals that you set for yourself and don’t lose focus or get overwhelmed.


Our Momentum clients have achieved amazing success in a short amount of time.


Our Momentum clients have achieved amazing success in a short amount of time.

Bára achieved $190K in one year with handbag sewing courses. Then she had her second child and baby-proofed her business so that it kept on making money with ease.
Ingrid scaled her launch strategy & copy business to $120K in her first Momentum year and to $400K in her second year. This enabled her to retire her husband, buy a house and homeschool her children.
Kasia took her business to six figures in 12 months selling online language courses with her special method. Then she discovered her true passion which is motivational speaking and is building a new business around that.
Eva teaches grownups how to play the piano and despite her initial doubts she’s built a six figure business with online courses. Recently she published a book and a course for children to learn the piano.
Sif is a behavioral dog trainer but after running an online dog training membership for years she realized that her passion was elsewhere. Now she is building a six figure online business helping women write fiction books.
Claudia had never offered online sewing courses before and made $15K within 10 weeks and then quickly scaled to $200K in her first year of online business. Now has a multiple six figure business that is on the fast track to 7 figures.
All these women have something in common:
They are selling online courses in the price range $200-$2000, on average the price point is $500.

They are ambitious and willing to invest time and money to grow their businesses to achieve their goals.

They are coachable which means they listen to professional advice and are willing to try out new things.

They have a positive and abundant mindset and share with others their lessons and learnings.

They are following their passion and willing to put in the work to make their dreams come true.

Heidi Krenn is a jazz singer who teaches singing online to an international audience. In her first year in online business, as a member of Momentum, Heidi got 2000 leads and had a $20K launch – and it was her second launch ever!

Nicole When is a marketing expert and founder of her own marketing agency. When she joined Momentum, she immediately created her first online course during the 10-week Kickstart sprint.


Who is it for?

Momentum is for ambitious female online entrepreneurs who want to scale with online programs. It is for those who are following their passion, have a positive attitude, are coachable and are committed to their success. It is for those who already have one or more online programs, an active email list, have made sales online, and are ready to take it to the next level.
If that’s you then Momentum is for you.

Who is it not for?

Momentum is not for those who don’t have an online business yet or those who want to sell only low ticket or only high ticket online programs. It is also not for those who are not coachable and not willing to put in the work to grow. If that’s you then Momentum is not for you.




You get access to all our scaling strategies and programs. These are very detailed processes that you can follow along step by step with the help of our coaches. You get full access to all strategies from day 1 and can start to implement right away. 

Value of our Scaling Strategies is $10K

  • You get leads for free with the Sales Every Day™️ system and make low ticket sales every day.
  • You consistently make your financial goals whether it is $10K/month or $40K/month with the Launch & Sell™️ system.
  • You sell without a launch, funnel or paid ads through email or social media with the Sales Accelerator™️ System.
  • You create a new “$500” online course and make money with an upsell with our SOMBA® Kickstart System.

You get access to our expert coaches and their coaching calls. Depending on the milestone you are working on, you can attend any call you want to get the help you need to work on a certain scaling strategy. This could be business strategy, launching, messaging, paid ads or anything else that is needed to grow an online business. Inside Momentum you’ll find an expert for anything you need to scale your online business with our 1-2 coaching calls a week.

Value of Expert Calls is $6K

You’ll be assigned to a mini mastermind group of 4-6 Momentum entrepreneurs who are working on similar milestones to you. You meet your buddies weekly to mastermind together for one hour. Once a month a Momentum accountability coach will join the call to keep you on track and make sure you have everything you need to achieve your goals. You walk away from each call knowing exactly what you need to focus on.

Value of the calls are $6K

You get access to our Momentum Strategy Day which is an in-person day every six months in Zurich, Switzerland. The Momentum Day is a planning and strategy day with other Momentum members and fantastic opportunity to meet like minded female entrepreneurs, uplevel your thinking, and plan your next 6 months.

Tentative dates for upcoming Momentum Strategy Days are:
Friday, April 11th 2025
Friday, Oct 17th 2025

Value of each day is $2K

You get access to our private Momentum community. Inside the community you’ll be able to interact with other Momentum members and get support from all our expert coaches. The community is an amazing group of women who are each on their own path but come together to support each other through the ups and downs of building a business. Seeing others succeed right in front of your eyes is priceless as it motivates you to keep on going even if you don’t feel like it – we call this the slipstream.

Value of our community is priceless


Affordable Investment, Maximum Return:
The value of the program is €23K.

  1. First you fill out an application form and book for a call where we assess if you are a fit for Momentum and if the program can help you achieve your goal.
  2. Once accepted into Momentum you go through an assessment where you enter your business goals as well as the results of recommended personality tests
  3. Then you have a 1-1 strategy call with an expert coach where the two of you devise the right strategy for your personal and business goals
  4. Then you’ll join the Momentum community and get access to all the content that includes our scaling strategies and any other support material you need
  5. There are 1-2 expert coaching calls per week and depending on the milestone you are working one we’ll recommend which calls to attend
  6. We keep you accountable to the milestones you’ve set out to achieve through forms and accountability calls and assigned Momentum buddy
  7. Our goal is that you always know what you need to do and have the support to make it happen without losing focus or energy
  • Momentum has an amazing community where members help each other.
  • All our coaches are active in our community and you can ask your questions 24/7.
  • Best way to get help is of course to show up for the coaching calls.
  • The program has a minimum 12 months commitment, once the 12 months are over you can extend for another 12 months.
  • You can renew the program as often as you like, we recommend staying at least one year in the program, our most successful students were 2 years in the program.


Next step, apply and book a call

The application is to see if this program is a fit for you. We don’t accept everyone, only those we believe we can help.

The call is going to be valuable to you, even if you don’t join.
If we think this is exactly what you need, then we’ll offer you to join.

You can then decide what’s best for you – without any pressure from us.

Got a question? Email:

Our Refund Policy:
We have a strict no refund policy as we believe that those who are all-in get results.

Our Commitment to You:
We are committed to your success as your success is our success. We believe so much in our program that we offer you a guarantee; if you participate in all our sprints and don’t make your investment back within 6 months then you get additional 3 months access to the program.

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