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12 Month Exclusive Mastermind For Multiple 6-Figure Female Entrepreneurs Ready To Get to 7 Figures

You’ve scaled to multiple 6-figures. Built a business you love. Nurtured a loyal and excited audience. Now you’re ready to unlock a new level of possibilities for your life and your business.

Get the expert business coaching, strategy and relationships you need to step into your role as the visionary of your business and become the 7-figure CEO you’ve always wanted to be.

Bring Your Vision to Life

Imagine surrounding yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs invested in your success. Picture coming together three times throughout the year for luxurious retreats in Iceland, Switzerland and other picturesque destinations to brainstorm new ideas, gain fresh perspectives, address and overcome obstacles and refine your business strategies.


Past and current participants have taken their business to new heights, launched new offers, and made giant leaps towards 7-figure while part of Red Circle. But more importantly, they’ve created the life they envisioned for themselves.

What if you could do the same?


As a multiple 6-figure female entrepreneur it can be difficult to find like-minded individuals who understand what it takes to reach that next level of their business. And when only 2% of all female led businesses achieve a 7-figure annual revenue… The road to 7-figures can be an even lonelier one. But it doesn't have to be.

Watch RED CIRCLE share what they say about the program.

“New ideas, insights on your situation, motivation, inspiration – and also fun. It is priceless to be around like-minded entrepreneurs who have similar challenges.” -Ingrid Dach


Mastermind Retreat Iceland is our all-inclusive 6-day retreat and is for many RED CIRCLE members the highlight of the year and their favourite retreat.

From Momentum 360 to Red Circle

From Self-Doubt to Her Easiest Year in Business 


Piano Teacher & Classical Pianist 

Czech Republic 

2024 Red Circle Member

“After being in Red Circle for 10 full months, I have so many things that got better in my life and business. This has actually been the easiest year for me, business wise, and also in my personal life.”

Her Starting Point 

Even after achieving significant success in Momentum 360—where she grew her email list by thousands and maintained a 10% conversion rate with her piano beginners' freebie—Eva hesitated to take the next step. “I did not believe in myself so much, and I was thinking about postponing the decision and joining Red Circle in 2025.”

Her Red Circle Journey 

“Your trust in me, that all will turn out well, helped me to make the decision already last year.” Through three retreats “full of such amazing activities and sightseeing and culture,” she discovered the value of Red Circle, especially the masterminding sessions—her “absolute favorite part of the retreats and our monthly meetings and calls.”

Where She Is Today 

“I have so many things that got better in my life and business. This has been actually the easiest year for me, managing things and being able to travel more, being able to explore and expand. I would never have done this if not for you and the opportunity that Red Circle has.”

From someone who almost waited another year to join, Eva has now signed up for her second year in Red Circle. 

Get on the waitlist

This is a chance to explore if RED CIRCLE 2025 is a right fit for you.
By being on the waitlist you'll receive further information about RED CIRCLE, if you fit our criteria you'll be invited to book a call and if we feel you are a right fit for RED CIRCLE we'll invite you to join.

1. Fill out the application form

2. Book a call with my team

3. Get all the 2024 details

If we feel this is a fit for you we’ll offer you a spot in RED CIRCLE 2025.



I look forward to seeing if you're a great fit for this transformative mastermind experience.

Got a question before you apply for a call? No worries, just email

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