Sometimes we are just stuck and cannot get unstuck. Our head is spinning and we just cannot move forward. We know what we are looking for but we are trying so hard to find answers that we end up empty-handed. Have you ever lost your keys and just cannot remember where you put them?… [Read More…]
Creating a Business from Your Pain
Why would you want to create a business from your painful experience? You care. It is on your mind all the time. You have become an expert in this area. These are just three of the compelling reasons why you can create a business from your pain. Pain Changes You I have had my share… [Read More…]
Is Your Business Idea Based on Pain or Pleasure?
A business idea either solves a pain or provides a pleasure. Ok, this is a bit simplistic but it serves us well when we start to brainstorm on possible business ideas within our passions. So let’s begin with a story. Learning about success In May 2008 I went to a Tony Robbins Wealth Mastery Weekend seminar in… [Read More…]
How To Choose Which Passion(s) To Pursue
While I believe that every entrepreneur has a true calling, this does not mean you must be limited to a single passion. In fact, if you are fortunate, you will have multiple passions. However, you will need to choose which passion to pursue. Here are the options for how to deal your passion(s): 1 – Ignore… [Read More…]
How Your Stories Shape your Passions and Your Future
Everybody loves a good story. And when you hear or read a good story, you can easily remember it and share it. In fact, a memorable story can shape your passions for years to come. That is why I love reading non-fiction books that have stories to convey their message. I also believe that the stories… [Read More…]